My thesis is now published within the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. Click the link below to download a copy. Many thanks to my examination committee, and to my external reviewer , Dr. Jenna Hartel from the U of T iSchool, for her generous feedback: "Angela has taken exceptional care in envisioning, organizing, and writing this thesis. More than a simple summation, it is a sweeping story of a community, anchored in many strong social scientific insights. Variously, the writing is precise, bold, critical, probing, nuanced, thoughtful, funny and exuberant... Geography, transportation, economic hardship, and religion are made real through striking photographs and/or original documents." "This is an important and ground-breaking research project and thesis in the specialty of information behaviour and the field of information studies. It focuses attention on information phenomena within a rural population, a domain that has never been studied in-depth before...Specifically, to my knowledge it is the first to: use a community as the unit of analysis (most studies focus on disciplines, professions, or social worlds, or activities); simultaneously examine information phenomena across work, leisure, and everyday life (a considerably more complex perspective); adopt a folkloric sensibility (rich with social, cultural, and historical detail); and examine and establish the nature of information experience (a crucial, neglected, elusive information phenomena)."
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Angela Pollak
All things Libraries and Living Heritage.
Adaptive & accessible is a hill worth dying on.
Rural at Heart. Both/and; yet.

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